AmpPay is an all-in-one solution for energy management.
It provides real-time tracking, predictive billing, efficiency rankings, carbon footprint assessment, and a notification system.
The app seamlessly integrates microcontrollers for precise meter reading, enabling users to track energy consumption instantly.
It predicts future electricity bills based on historical usage patterns and compares users' efficiency rankings against neighboring households.
AmpPay empowers users to make informed decisions about their energy consumption and contributes to environmental sustainability by addressing carbon footprint concerns.
The TEDxMEC website is the digital platform for TEDx events hosted by Model Engineering College (MEC).
It serves as the hub for information about upcoming events, past talks, speakers, and ticketing details.
The website features a modern and intuitive design, providing visitors with easy navigation and access to relevant content.
MerchHub is an online merchandise store developed for Excel MEC, offering a wide range of products including shirts, hoodies, bags, and other items branded with Excel MEC logos and designs.
The website provides users with a convenient platform to browse through the available merchandise, view product details, and make purchases securely.